Friday, April 20, 2007

Survived another week!!

Well, I made it! I survived another week on this wonderful planet. Work was good for me, it actually gave me a chance to listen to other people's (customers) problems. The girls were great, I missed them sooooo much. The guys on the other hand, well...just kidding, I work with the greatest group of people in the world.

It was actually fun at work today, mung'us girls ate lunch together, and I think I busted a lung from laughing so much. Of course, I was the main one cracking jokes. I can't help it, some people are just so darn stupid, they deserve to be talked about. It is unreal what people will say and do out in the public?!?!

Dale is back to fire school tomorrow and Sunday. I plan, yes I used that word, to work outside tomorrow. Pat and I are gonna see what we can dig up out in the north forty.

Mom and I took a trip to Salisbury tonight, it didn't take long to realize that I was not missing anything down there either.

I am a bit sad this evening though. I went up town to visit the old man, and do you know that some one has removed a stepping stone from Gerry's site already! I just placed it there last Friday evening! It was a beautiful stone that a good friend gave to me. HOW SAD!!! I am not surprised; however, I am quite disappointed.

Tomorrow is Bryan Blocker's 19th birthday. We are gonna celebrate at the Japanesse Steak House in Salisbury. That will be a hoot! Also, I want to wish Aunt Carol a very special "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" this Sunday April 22.

Well, I need to get some beauty sleep. Lord knows I sure do need it. Talk at ya later.



Carol Brown said...

You are my hero. You inspire us to be strong. We love you very much. Dad & Carol

Jan said...

I would like to say that you are my hero too. From one cancer stricken family to another. I am just amazed at the strength you have to make it through every day and smile while doing it. Please forgive me now for anything that comes out the wrong way, cause it is never meant to sound that way. I feel like sometimes after we have told a story or a joke that it touch you in a way that it does not to us. Love Ya, TTFN, Jan