Saturday, August 4, 2007

Pic from Sugarland Concert

THANKS TIM!!!!!!!!!!!
Hubby #2 took us to see Sugarland (aint he sweet, no pun) this is Stephanie, Pat & Me. I am pretty sure Pat & I were up to something, you can tell by the look on our faces. We had a blast!

is there any snow in the forecast

I know this photo is blurrrrrry but it was HOT and I wanted to prove it!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Happy National Girlfriends Day

A day late, but HAPPY NATIONAL GIRLFRIENDS DAY! My "girlfriend" Linda treated us to dinner last night for National Girlfriends Day. Heck, we will find any excuse to eat. REMINDER ... only 13 shopping days til' my bday. LMBO TTFN DD
Bad GiftBelly Laugh

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Hello Everyone~Just wanted to drop a quick line to let you know things are going pretty good. No new drama happening here, just enjoying all the pictures Aimee & Ashlynne are sharing with us. Whats up Stef? I see a trip to PA in the near future, gotta see those babies! Katie & Robbie are growing up so fast. Was that Aunt Carol dancin'? Looks like we need to do the town together, haha.

Took a trip to the Old Mill with Mark, Penny & Heather on Saturday night. I think Jeff (the owner and good friend) put us in the corner on purpose. I guess our reputation proceeded us. By the way, Mark drank more than half his share of the pitcher:^). What a BLAST! I treasure these nights out, its gettin' old sittin' at home "gettin old".

Tim bought all his women tickets to see Sugarland at the fair on Friday night. Bless his heart, he had four women to escort around, he deserves a medal. The show was awesome! The really neat thing that happened before the concert was the live satellite feed from Fort Dix in NJ. They broadcast the 153 MP stationed out of Delaware City, it was soooooooo cool because they had a section for the families of these men and women. The interesting part was that the Captain of the unit is from Laurel, and is a member of my church. We had a special send off for him at church, and several of the leaders of the church headed up a fund drive to purchase phone cards for the troops, and they have more projects planned for this fall. Also, one of our town Police officers is in that unit, who's dad is in the fire that meant alot to me, it was a special feeling of PRIDE to be a part of this event. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Watermelons are rolling down the road in full force. Just love to see those chopped up buses. I can still see Gerry's brain turning trying to figure what else they could rig up to get more melons to the packing shed. Dad is driving the dully now, it looks so natural to see it parked at the shop and packing shed, and up and down the road. I know he has a special back seat driver:#)

Well, gotta earn my pay, lunch is over. TTFN DD

Monday, July 30, 2007


Well, the guys have done it again. This week they came by and finished my sidewalk out in front of the house:#) I am so lucky to have such great/caring friends that look after us. Gerry started the sidewalk either last year, or the year before. Of course everything else always came know the rest of the story.

I want to thanks Keith, Alvin, Tim & Dale for all their hard work. Oh Zach and Justin were there the other night as well. THANKS GUYS! I LOVE YA!!!!!!