Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A great day with family

I had the best day ever yesterday. I went to Aimee's house, in Warrington PA, with Gerry & Carol to see the whole fam damily (haha). We had so much fun, from the moment we hit the road. What a great group of folks. I needed yesterday, really bad!!!

You know when you laugh so much that your lungs hurt, that was me. We picked up Mom Mom Brown and delivered her so she could visit for a couple of days, what a sweet lady. Her face lite up when she saw the great grandchildren, now she has her hands full for the next couple of day. Katie and Robbie are such great kids, they were quite the entertainers. They are great medicine for what ale's you. I could sit and watch them for hours. And the babies, WOW, they are perfect.

Of course, Aunt Carol kept the family in stitches telling her "stories" and trying to recruit a business partner. By the way, I had a dream about cupcakes last night, now I will have to bake some, thanks Aunt Carol.


Carol Brown said...

Don't forget how much Mom-Mom's face lit up when she saw you!!! We had a blast. Dad said having you join us for the day made his day so extra special. We loved it, even though you kept joining him to pick on me all day. Only you can get away with that!!!

Love ya.

Ashlynne said...

I love how you call them "stories"
It is nice of you to leave out the smelly details!
It was wonderful to see you